Nova Esports Wild Rift stats and team details
Nova Esports is a Wild Rift team from China. Nova Esports is ranked in the 3 place of Wild Rift team rankings with a score of 425602 points.
- archive has information about 88 Wild Rift games with Nova Esports. In 2025, the team played 4 matches.
- Over the course of the last 30 days, 4 matches have been played by the team. Nova Esports claimed victory in 2 games.
- Over the last 30 days, Nova Esports win rate was 50%, which is 28% worse of Nova Esports's overall win rate (69%).
- Current Streak: Lose streak of 1 matches.
- Latest Nova Esports achievements: on 19.01.2025, the team claimed 2 place in the WSL Winter 2024 with a total prize pool of $445000.
- Users have voted 64 times on Nova Esports matches, with 47 (73.44%) correct predictions.
Date | Opponent | Score |
19.01.2025 | ThunderTalk Gaming | Lost 3 : 2 |
17.01.2025 | Fish Gaming | Won 3 : 2 |
10.01.2025 | ThunderTalk Gaming | Lost 2 : 3 |
09.01.2025 | J Team | Won 3 : 1 |
26.12.2024 | Team Weibo | Won 2 : 0 |
22.12.2024 | J Team | Won 2 : 0 |
20.12.2024 | KeepBest Gaming | Lost 2 : 0 |
18.12.2024 | Radiant Virtue | Won 2 : 1 |
15.12.2024 | Fish Gaming | Lost 0 : 2 |
13.12.2024 | ThunderTalk Gaming | Lost 2 : 0 |
Date | Event | Result |
19.01.2025 | WSL Winter 2024 | 2 place |
21.07.2024 | WSL Summer 2024 | 2 place |
13.09.2023 | WRL Asia Ionia Cup 2023 | 1 place |
27.12.2022 | Demacia Cup 2022 | 1 place |
Nova Esports organization also fields the following rosters: Nova Esports LoL, Nova Esports Valorant.