Head to head of beastcoast and Team BDS: statistics, Rainbow 6 match history, past performance
Team | beastcoast | Team BDS |
Tips.GG Rating | #22 | #2 |
Head-to-head | Wins: 1 (100%) | No wins |
Maps won | 3 | 2 |
Current Streak | Win streak: 5 | Lose streak: 1 |
Win % over past 30 days | Did not play | 71% |
Win % Total | 49% | 76% |
Team Form (30 days) | Did not play | Wins: 5 Losses: 2 Ties: 0 |
Date | beastcoast score | Team BDS score |
26.05.2024 | 3 | 2 |
After all of 1 Rainbow 6 matches between the teams, beastcoast won 1 times (100%), while Team BDS won none. The total map score is 3 : 2 in favor of beastcoast.
During the last 12 months, beastcoast and Team BDS went head-to-head once. The map score is 3 : 2 in favor of beastcoast. The last match between the teams happened on 26.05.2024 as part of the BLAST Major R6 Manchester 2024.